

Williams campus has the potential to have a very vibrant creative community. However, currently there is no structure in place to facilitate this. Art (in any form: visual, musical, spoken word, etc.) has always been a very separate part of campus. Additionally, the different types of art have always felt very disparate (visual stays in the studio art building or art museums, music stays in the music department, etc.). It would be great to have a some sort of platform that can foster a creative community. Based on Dawn’s original project proposal.


Our group is hoping to make a platform that accomplishes two things. One is to create a platform for local artists (students, faculty, local residents, etc.) to showcase their art, interact with viewers and artists, and find a space for collaboration. Additionally, we want to make a platform in which anyone in the community interested in art can discover art, interact with artists, and find information on local events and shows. The fun and interesting part of this project would be the interactivity on it. Artist to artist, artists to all, etc.


There is currently a mobile app called Trill (sample images in Fig. 1). It works as a general art discovery app, but only cater towards the discovery part. It does not really include a community space for any artists, but instead shows events and recent art made, without any sort of interactivity.

Figure 1

Figure 1


  1. Header Image

  2. Trill App