Quan Do
Williams College Class of 2019
Designer, user researcher, rotating project manager
Quan Do is a Computer Science major from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He’s been dabbling in traditional art for more than 6 years and has a deep interest in illustration. On campus, he sings a cappella with the Aristocows and co-chairs the Vietnamese Student Association.
Visit Quan’s hobbyist art portfolio
Grace Mazzarella
Williams College Class of 2019
Designer, user researcher, rotating project manager
Grace Mazzarella was home schooled until high school. She attended East Catholic High School in Manchester, CT, and currently attends Williams College in Williamstown, MA, as a Computer Science major. She has been dancing since 2002, and continues to dance for Williams College in the Contemporary Dance Company (Coda) and in the Asian Dance Troupe (ADT). When she is not studying computer science or failing at speaking Chinese, she choreographs and designs costumes for her own original dances for Coda, teaches and herds cats for ADT, draws, writes, and sleeps.
Dawn Wu
Williams College Class of 2018
Original project proposer
Designer, user researcher, rotating project manager
Dawn Wu is from Nashville, TN and is currently a senior at Williams College studying computer science. Outside of CS, she is active in the studio art department, taking classes ranging from drawing, architecture, and printmaking). She is also active in the music department, participating in multiple chamber groups, playing the Berkshire Symphony Orchestra, and taking private viola lessons. Outside of academics, she enjoys being a local DJ for Williams College Radio (WCFM) and being the social chair for Wililams Cooking Club (Moo-mami). She just wants to be funny sometimes.