Our paper prototype gives an overview of the main design of our product (mobile, feed-based design) and demonstrates the workflows for our two main tasks: art showcasing and event discovery/notification. This paper prototype also includes workflows for a few minor tasks like onboarding, logging in and changing settings.
Task 1: Event Discovery and Notification
The user finds an event that interests them.
They touch the “follow” icon to tell a2a that they’d like to be reminded about the event when it draws near.
When it’s time, the user receives a notification about the event.
They open the notification on their phone and a2a opens.
They can touch the “notifications” icon to see their unread items.
They can also touch the notification about the event, which will bring them to the notification message which gives details about the event.
Task 2: Art Showcasing
To begin uploading a file, the user presses the middle button on the tool bar, and is presented with three methods to upload a file. One of these is to use a file directly from the user’s device.
The second option is to use a file stored in some cloud via another application. Touching that button will present the user with a menu of potential applications. Touching the button again makes the menu disappear.
The third option is to make a new photo or video file, which is generated using the device’s own camera. The user can switch between photo and video options with a touch.
Once a file has been chosen, some appropriate preview appears. The user can then press the next button to continue.
The user can then share information about their work with the community. They can add a title, tags (to allow the work to appear when another user enters that keyword), and a description.
When the user is finished typing, they can review their handiwork before pressing the upload button.
After this, the work appears on other users’ feed!